+44 (0) 1463 417707





Uzbekistan Cycling Holiday

The Silk Route

Tour Overview

Uzbekistan has much to offer the adventure traveller from ancient history, culture and traditional bazaars, to beautiful landscapes. At the heart of the ancient Silk Road that ran from China through the Middle East to Rome, redspokes Uzbekistan cycling holiday re-traces the footsteps of travellers and traders from a time when Uzbekistan was a well-trodden path.

Beginning in Tashkent and ending in Khiva we travel through a desert landscape. We transfer out of the Uzbek capital to Lake Turzkan and begin cycling along the Pistalitau mountain ridge. Our route continues through scenic valley, passing stone and mudbrick houses towards beautiful Sob gorge before we tackle the toughest mountain climb of our trip to reach Fazilman Lake. At the end of our cycling we transfer to historic Bukara, with a rest day to enjoy the sights and the opportunity to visit magical Samarkand as we return to Tashkent by train. The tour then proceeds to Khiva, a stunning oasis city featuring historic walls, minarets, and distinctive clay structures.

Uzbekistan can truly be described as a nation of contrasts. The double landlocked country is surrounded by other landlocked countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan). There are huge expanses of desert, pockets of verdant fertile valley and semi-arid grassland; the snow-capped Tien Shan mountains mark the south and eastern borders. In the 13th Century the country fell under Mongol rule, followed by a period of independent emirates and khanates of Bukhara, Kokand and Samarkand before becoming a part of Russia in 1865, and then the Soviet Union, most recently emerging as an independent nation in 1991.

There is little in the way of rain fall, summertime is very hot (+40), and winters extremely cold (-5). Spring and Autumn are the best times to visit. redspokes' Uzbekistan itinerary is timed to run during optimal climactic conditions for adventure cycling.

On redspokes Uzbekistan cycle holiday you will experience mesmerizing scenery, diverse historic and modern architecture, from the columns and intricate patterns of mosques and madrassahs to Christian churches and temples, and enjoy classic Uzbek cuisine. 

NB: There are a variety of challenging terrains to navigate, each presenting its own set of obstacles. River crossings are part of the journey, where riders must navigate across flowing waters. Gorges with stones create a rugged environment that demands careful maneuvering. Moreover, rough bitumen and gravel further test bikers' skills.

Although it is our intention to operate the itinerary as detailed below, it may be necessary to make some changes as a result of climatic conditions, alterations to flight schedules or other operational factors.


Dates & Prices

01 Sep 2024 - 14 Sep 2024
Guaranteed to run (limited places)
13 Oct 2024 - 26 Oct 2024
Guaranteed to run
27 Apr 2025 - 10 May 2025
25 May 2025 - 07 Jun 2025
Available (2 more to guarantee)
All Dates & Prices View Itinerary View Essential Info

If you need assistance or wish to discuss the tour, please feel free to call us on +44 (0) 1463 417707.

Alternatively, you can email us on office@redspokes.co.uk for more information on this adventure holiday.

Key Stats

Cycling Difficulty
51 km
31 miles
Average Daily distance
858 m
2,814 ft
Average Daily Ascent
No. of Days Cycling

Tour Features

  • Tahskent: Uzbek capital, where modernity meets tradition.
  • Nurata mountains: traditional culture, community based tourism.
  • Mountain lakes and remote hamlets.
  • Khiva – ancient walled fortress town.
  • Samarkand - site of Tamerlane’s mausoleum
  • Bukhara - World heritage medieval city in the Kyzylkum desert.
Chart showing the average temperature for our Uzbekistan cycling holiday
Chart showing the average number of days with precipitation for our Uzbekistan cycling holiday
Example route for this Uzbekistan cycling holiday Example route for this Uzbekistan cycling holiday