+44 (0) 1463 417707




Key Places:
Mongolia Gobi Cycling Holiday

Gobi Mongolia

Khangai Mountain Range

The Khangai or Hangyyn Range  is the largest of four mountain ranges in Mongolia. Khangai describes the forested steppe area to the north of the Gobi Desert. Located in central and northern Mongolia, it extends from north west to south east for 500 miles, it’s highest mountain Otgontenger rises to around 4000m. The intermediary steppe area is called Kheer or Tal. In Mongolian the word Khangai has associations with being a regal and gracious provider. The ancient name honours the sanctity of the mountain and its significance to those who depend on it. In between the rugged and remote expanses are picturesque lakes and ger camps where visitors are welcomed.  

Some of Mongolia's largest rivers spring from this region, including the Selenge, Orkhon, Zavkhan and Delgermoron.

The word Khairkhan (loving King) refers to sacred mountains. It is forbidden to refer to a  mountain by name if it is in view, it should be called Khairkhan.

If you need assistance or wish to discuss the tour, please feel free to call us on +44 (0) 1463 417707.

Alternatively, you can email us on office@redspokes.co.uk for more information on this adventure holiday.

Key Places

There are several key places on our Mongolia Gobi cycling holiday. Please choose from the following list for more information on each key place.