+44 (0) 1463 417707


Mongolia Bulgan

Mongolia Bulgan

Mongolia Bulgan

Mongolia Bulgan


Mongolia Bulgan

Pedal Through the Nomadic Wilderness


Mongolia Bulgan Cycling Holiday

Mongolia Explorer

Here are what some of our customers have had to say about our Mongolia Bulgan cycling holidays...

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 Testimonials

Ged Browne Cycling on the  tour with redspokes

Ged Browne, London, UK

Ged Browne from London, UK rates our  cycling holiday at 5 out of 5

Having been on several of Redspokes' well-established Central Asian tours previously, I was attracted to this very remote, little-visited region. I came away totally captivated by Mongolia and would recommend to any fan of wilderness mountain-biking - 100% of it off-road. The routes provide a variety of challenges - wooded-trails, rocky descents, mud, river-crossings and glorious rolling descents through grassland steppes full of animals (horses, yaks, sheep, goats), but barely a sign of human habitation. Where it did exist, it was in the form of traditional gers (yurts) and it is one of the highlights of the trip to visit and enjoy the hospitality of these nomads. The team of local guides, drivers, cooks and mechanics who made the trip possible, were superb; led by Bat & Samba they provided amazing food, great campsites, detailed local knowledge and always the option to hop in a support van if things got too tough! Highly recommended for a proper cycling adventure!

Bobbie Sturrock Cycling on the  tour with redspokes

Bobbie Sturrock, Colorado, USA

Bobbie Sturrock from Colorado, USA rates our  cycling holiday at 5 out of 5

Redspokes local team created for us an incredible 12 day adventure. From the bikes to the meals, the miles of Mongolian beauty through valleys and river crossings to passes covered with wild flowers.

The guide,mechanic,drivers,chef and support team are all top notch! A truly wonderful experience.

Andrew Green  Cycling on the  tour with redspokes

Andrew Green , Isle of Wight

Andrew Green  from Isle of Wight rates our  cycling holiday at 5 out of 5

The support team for this tour are excellent. The chefs produced a constant supply of delicious meals; amazing skills given we only had a basic field kitchen. The hire bikes were well maintained during the trip. Mr Gonde, our guide, obviously had good understanding of the route and the current conditions. He managed all of our abilities and expectations with patience and understanding.

The cycling can be hard going in places but the rewards are more than worth the effort: Herds of horses running free alongside, birds of prey circling overhead, wild flower meadows, ancient sites and a deep connection with nature and the nomadic lifestyle.

Jonas Barter  Cycling on the  tour with redspokes

Jonas Barter , Almonte, Canada

Jonas Barter  from Almonte, Canada rates our  cycling holiday at 5 out of 5

This was truly the trip of a lifetime. The cycling was unlike any I have encountered anywhere before. You might call it “technical double-track”, with always the option of simply heading off across the grass of the Mongolian steppe! What freedom! The overwhelming impression of the country is … space; wide open space with distant vistas, green pasture land, massive herds of animals, stream and river crossings, and billions of midnight stars overhead. It’s like a land ocean. There were lots of long steep climbs to mountain passes followed by the rewards of screaming down 10+ km trails on the other side. 

Hired bikes were excellent and well maintained. Food was five-star and plentiful. Support crew was attentive and … supportive. Guides were very knowledgeable and perfectly fluent in English. 
Every day was an enormous and ever-changing adventure. Until you have heard the thundering hooves of 200 horses, galloping full-tilt alongside your bike, you can’t really appreciate Mongolia. Go. Simply go.

Paul Massie  Cycling on the  tour with redspokes

Paul Massie , Hatfield, England, UK

Paul Massie  from Hatfield, England, UK rates our  cycling holiday at 5 out of 5

What an experience! Challenging and rewarding cycling: tough uphills and thrilling downhills, matched by breathtaking views of expansive plains flanked by mountains.

Being stalked by herds of inquisitive horses, the sight of thousands of sheep, goats and cattle with kites and other birds of prey soaring overhead, and the generosity of the locals when we dropped into their Gers I will not forget. Bat, Samba and the crew worked tirelessly to ensure our needs were more than met. Thank you for a memorable tour.

Karen Karnuta Cycling on the  tour with redspokes

Karen Karnuta, Colorado, USA

Karen Karnuta from Colorado, USA rates our  cycling holiday at 5 out of 5

Our local support team was  one of the most professional and exceptional tour operators I have ever traveled with. On a 14 day trip bicycling in Bulgan provence, I was continually impressed by the quality of the tour, the guides (Bat and Samba), the chefs -- really amazing food, and the drivers. They went above and beyond to have our tour be enjoyable, fun, and safe. Recommend them wholeheartedly.

Tony Leake Cycling on the  tour with redspokes

Tony Leake, Welwyn, England

Tony Leake from Welwyn, England rates our  cycling holiday at 5 out of 5

What a tour , this was my first cycling tour and the first time I had been on a mountain bike but what fun . most days were tough but I did expect that with a few hills to climb but that also meant some great downhill sections through open meadows with grazing sheep, cows , goats and yaks and on many occasions wild horses running next to us . We regularly had to stop to navigate streams and small rivers which was great fun.

The team were brilliant and don’t expect to lose weight as there was so much tasty food available . We also had impromptu stops to visit families in their own environment and when needed the routes were changed slightly to arrive at camps in time for meals . Everyone one was allowed to go at their own pace there was always a team member at the front middle and the back member was there to help the stragglers and also pick up anyone who had problems with their bikes as he was mechanic . Thank you Red Spokes and their support team

Stephen Cotnam  Cycling on the  tour with redspokes

Stephen Cotnam , Ontario, Canada

Stephen Cotnam  from Ontario, Canada rates our  cycling holiday at 5 out of 5

The on site Team was superb. We had excellent riding support. The food was delicious and plentiful. The staff were always helpful and available even during several difficult weather (rain storms) conditions. They were especially accommodating in mounting or dismounting our bikes from/to the vans when we needed a rest. The staff each had a sense of humour which provided us encouragement when we needed it.

Eli Baron Cycling on the  tour with redspokes

Eli Baron, Texas, USA

Eli Baron from Texas, USA rates our  cycling holiday at 5 out of 5

Mountains and plains
Green expanse,
Rivers, creecks and water Stearns
Colorful artistically shaped clouds.

Cattle roaming free,
Sheeps and goats
Horses in speedy stampede,
cows placidly grassing
Yaks, looking like cows
wearing long warm coats,

A Mongolian GER
Sparsely seen here and there,
Pedaling up and down
over a green expanse
Open space full with emptiness
Blessed solitude
Where poems and dreams may sprout.

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 Testimonials

If you need assistance or wish to discuss the tour, please feel free to call us on +44 (0) 1463 417707.

Alternatively, you can email us on office@redspokes.co.uk for more information on this adventure holiday.