Dates & Prices - Tajikistan to Kyrgyzstan
The Pamir Highway
Dates & Prices
There are currently no holiday dates and prices available for this Tajikistan to Kyrgyzstan cycling holiday.
We are constantly updating our services and would recommend that you check again soon as we may have added more dates to our tour calendar. Alternatively, you can contact us using the contact information below.
If you need assistance or wish to discuss the tour, please feel free to call us on +44 (0) 1463 417707.
Alternatively, you can email us on for more information on this adventure holiday.
Optional Extras
Own Room/Tent: £295
Bike Hire: Not available for this tour
The extra costs for the Optional Extras are calculated after the booking process so will not appear in your shopping cart when booking the bike tour online. The extra costs will be added to your cycling tour cost, we will contact you with a Tour Total Cost and give you instructions on how your remaining payments can be made.
Approximate Cost of Flights: £575
redspokes holiday's do NOT include flights to and from the designated cycle tour countries, however, some bike tours contain internal flights that are included in the price.
We recommend flying with Turkish Airways: looking at or for an idea of times and prices.
NOTE: Please read through the essential information to see exactly what the price includes & excludes before booking!
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Customer Testimonial
"The Pamir Highway trip was a real adventure. Beautiful scenery, the warmest, most hospitable people I've ever met and some truely memorable experiences such as waking up to snow during..."
Abby Penlington